If Courses are not enough for your growth I do offer personalized one-on-one Mentorship. This is not done in a group, it is indeed customized to you and your own art needs. I don't think you can truly master a skill in only a few weeks, so the Mentorship is made to span several months to allow you time to practice, get feedback and practice some more. My Mentorships start at 6 months long to really see growth, but some people have opted for a year or more. It all depends on your needs.
The Mentorship consists of meeting either monthly or bi-weekly with me via zoom call. We'll formulate a growth plan for your skills and I'll coach you along your way. If you are a beginner I can help you form habits that will allow you to really grow quickly in your work. Or if you are a seasoned professional seeking to grow to more leadership positions I can also help along the way too. I have been involved with Recruiting at pretty much every studio I have worked at over the past 25 years, so I can help you craft a portfolio that will grab the attention of the companies you might be interested in working for.
Included with the Mentorship is access to the Painting Light Course material while still active in a Mentorship, as well as access to a private Discord server so you can meet other artists around the world that are all growing together.
I have limited spots available for Mentorship, so apply and we can schedule an interview call to make sure it seems like a good fit for both of us.